Puebla songs – SJ Fowler


Puebla songs                                         
A new generation inheriting and building trampolines,
bigger and bouncier and bloodier songs.
There is the goat, taking six cobras to make four curtains.
Any & every need must be met, (novels) (planned)
and then there were       visits                painted.
Trepanned   bags with skin hairless        straps.
Learning about whorehouses and routines for cleaning.
Hesitations in the 45th introduction of someone who just asks
to hide behind the leather men, and to meet those girls who take no part,
who wait in the hall, while others crowd the cupboard of the mother.
Rub ribs to bones hating children, death nose in dirt.
Such beautiful women and yet you’re barely human anymore,
resting contrary, alone versus the dark alliance.
In other words, see now evil, hear no evil
and whatever he was, he was not a snitch.


 SJ Fowler




SJ Fowler (Reino Unido, 1983) é poeta, artista e curador. O seu trabalho abrange as tradições modernistas e avant-garde, atravessando poesia, ficção, teatro, arte sonora e performance. Publicou vários livros de poemas e o tem diversos trabalhos encomendados por Tate Modern, BBC Radio 3, The British Council, Tate Britain, entre outros. Seu trabalho foi traduzido em 19 línguas e apresentado em diversos países, da Cidade do México a Erbil, Beijing e Tbilisi. É editor da revista 3am magazine, Professor na Universidade de Kingston, assim como na Tate Modern e a Poetry School, Londres, e é curador de the Enemies project entre diversos outros trabalhos fascinantes. Leia mais aqui: http://www.stevenjfowler.com/.
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